Serious. Fun.

How we make the work is as important as the work we make. It’s fun because we take it seriously. Talented artists, clear communication, and thorough preparation - with a healthy dose of cute dogs and stellar playlists. Shoot production is never frantic. Post-production is streamlined and creative. Deadlines and expectations are met. Since 2014 we’ve been working with really smart creative people to make really smart creative things. We can’t believe we do this for a living. And we work hard to make sure we get to keep doing it..

A studio, not a roster.

We’re not just a list of names. LMP is the machine, taste level and process- it’s how we create all of our work. With an orbit of diverse and experienced talent from across the country, we respond to creative briefs by offering up a tailored team and approach. We’re a happy place for directors and artists from all facets of the filmmaking community to come and collaborate non exclusively.

A post-production heart.

Our roots are in creative editorial, and post-production is considered at every step, never an afterthought. Our workflow is fine tuned, from the offline to creating deliverables of all specs and sizes. Whether it’s cutting a pre-viz, showing a dialed in rough cut quickly after a shoot, music supervision, licensing footage, spinning up larger teams for VFX-heavy or animation projects — we take an approach that’s built on collaboration and dedication to the craft

For art's sake.

Since we started, we’ve made a point to make films that aren't for clients. Doing this keeps us sharp and keeps things FUN. We are proud to be part of a wider arts community and humbled to have had our work featured by Rolling Stone, National Geographic, Vimeo Staff Picks and Short Of the Week. Our creative work has been commissioned by partners like MoMA, Sony Music and Radiolab.

Let's get to it.

We’d love to talk. Worst case scenario: you’ll get to see a cute puppy on the first zoom call. At best, we make something beautiful together and have a good time doing it. We’re here to respond to inquiries and are happy to turn around bids and ballparks promptly.